岛津诊断Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation PBS缓冲液

岛津诊断Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation PBS缓冲液

岛津诊断Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation  PBS缓冲液

金畔生物为您推荐:岛津诊断Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation细胞培养基:MEM培养基、DMEM培养基、RPMI1640培养基、M199培养基、Ham F12培养基,适用于生物制药、疫苗行业使用。

产品名称:"Dulbecco's PBS(-)" PBS粉末 PBS缓冲液


PBS缓冲液,是生物化学研究中使用最为广泛的一种缓冲液,主要成分为Na2HPO4、KH2PO4、NaClKCl,一般作为溶剂,起溶解保护试剂的作用。由于Na2HPO4KH2PO4有二级解离,缓冲的pH值范围很广,而NaClKCl主要作用为增加盐离子浓度。如有需要PBS还可以补加1 mmol/L CaCl20.5 mmol/L MgCl2,以提供二价阳离子。

金畔生物是岛津诊断Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation代理商


Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation Egale’s MEM培养基②,货号:05901

Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation Egale’s MEM培养基②,货号:05901

Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation Egale's MEM培养基②,货号:05901

Egale's MEM培养基是根据1959Harry Eagle对外公布的配方研制而成的粉末培养基。目前为止,此类培养基不耐高压蒸汽灭菌,因为其中的成分会分解或变质,因此通常需要通过膜过滤灭菌岛津诊断Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation研制的Eagle's MEM培养基耐高压蒸汽灭菌,经过特殊工艺处理可保证其中的成分不会发生变化,对细胞生长不会造成影响或损害。


Egale's MEM培养基②,货号:05901


金畔生物是岛津诊断Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation代理商



Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation Egale’s MEM培养基① 05900/00680

Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation Egale’s MEM培养基① 05900/00680

Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation Egale's MEM培养基① 05900/00680

Egale's MEM培养基是根据1959Harry Eagle对外公布的配方研制而成的粉末培养基。目前为止,此类培养基不耐高压蒸汽灭菌,因为其中的成分会分解或变质,因此通常需要通过膜过滤灭菌。岛津诊断Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation 研制的Eagle's MEM培养基耐高压蒸汽灭菌,经过特殊工艺处理可保证其中的成分不会发生变化,对细胞生长不会造成影响或损害。


Egale's MEM培养基①,货号:05900/00680


金畔生物是岛津诊断Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation代理商



Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation Egale’s MEM培养基③ 00709/00703

Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation Egale’s MEM培养基③ 00709/00703

Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation Egale's MEM培养基③ 00709/00703

Egale's MEM培养基是根据1959Harry Eagle对外公布的配方研制而成的粉末培养基。目前为止,此类培养基不耐高压蒸汽灭菌,因为其中的成分会分解或变质,因此通常需要通过膜过滤灭菌。岛津诊断Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation研制的Eagle's MEM培养基耐高压蒸汽灭菌,经过特殊工艺处理可保证其中的成分不会发生变化,对细胞生长不会造成影响或损害。


Egale's MEM培养基③,货号:00709/00703


金畔生物是岛津诊断Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation代理商



Shimadzu Scientific 特约代理

世界*实验材料供应商Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 上海金畔生物为其中国代理,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔生物一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 中国代理,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 上海代理,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 北京代理,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 广东代理,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 江苏代理Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 湖北代理,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 天津,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 黑龙江代理,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 内蒙古代理,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 吉林代理,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 福建代理,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 江苏代理,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 浙江代理,Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 四川代理,


Headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI) is the American subsidiary of Shimadzu Corporation (Kyoto, Japan). SSI was established in 1975 as a distribution center providing analytical solutions to a wide range of laboratories and lab services providers in the Americas. Today, SSI’s focus has expanded greatly beyond distribution. SSI maintains a network of nine regional offices strategically located across the United States, with experienced technical specialists, service and sales engineers situated throughout the country; a state-of-the-art Customer Training and Education Center; and Shimadzu U.S.A. Manufacturing, which supplies HPLC, GCMS, and other high-tech products to the U.S. market. 

In 2014, SSI opened its Solution Center. The new, innovative, 4,100-square-foot facility will serve as a showcase for Shimadzu instruments and platforms. The center also features high-definition state-of-the-art video and conferencing equipment to facilitate customer interactions both within the center and in collaboration with manufacturing, software, and R&D groups. In addition, the center will provide space for more collaborative research, and enables SSI to more quickly develop new software applications and focused-based solutions to better serve growing customer demands. 

Our instruments are used by researchers in all 50 states and we count as customers some of the leading institutions in the country, as well as academic research universities and a long list of local, state, and federal government laboratories.


HPLC/UHPLC, GC, GC-MS/MS, UV-Vis, FTIR, AA, ICP, MALDI, LC-MS/MS, Balances, Materials Testers, Thermal Analyzers, X-ray (XRD/EDX/XRF), TOC Analyzers, Particle Size Analyzers